Techniques to Prolong the Life of your Roof

While it might look simple, your roof is a complex structure that requires regular repair and maintenance. Below we have provided some of the best roof repair and maintenance techniques to ensure that issues are caught early and small faults don’t have the opportunity to grow into larger problems. This will help avoid costly replacements and prolong the life of your existing roof. Read More Techniques to Prolong the Life of your Roof

Key Steps to a Successful Roof Restoration

While many overlook the value of a well maintained roof, it is one of your home’s most important features, not just for keeping the elements out of the home but for improving the overall aesthetic appeal of the structure. This is why regular roof restorations are vital to maintaining the integrity, durability and attractiveness of your property. Read More Key Steps to a Successful Roof Restoration

How often should you get your roof checked?

A professional roof inspection is a good idea every once in a while to ensure that the most important feature of your home is well maintained. While it might seem like a self-assessment of the roof is all needed, only a professional roofer can spot many signs of damage. In addition, there are many areas of the roof that regular folk might not think to inspect, such as the trusses and rafters, sheet metal or underlayment. So, if roof inspections are so important, how often should you have one? Read More How often should you get your roof checked?

How to Choose a Quality Roofing Contractor for Roof Restorations

A quality roof restoration is vital not only to the aesthetic appeal of your home but also to extending the value of your property and life expectancy of your roof as a whole. While there are plenty of choices out there it can be tricky knowing which are capable of providing you with a quality roof restoration.

Here are some tips on how to choose a quality roofing contractor: Read More How to Choose a Quality Roofing Contractor for Roof Restorations

5 Cautionary Tips for the DIY Roof Repairer

A do-it-yourself roof repair is not for the faint of heart. Not only do you have to navigate an environment several metres above most people’s comfort zones, but you also have to ensure you perform a solid repair that still looks good from the street. It takes some research and experience to ensure that your roof repair doesn’t just worsen things in the long run. Read More 5 Cautionary Tips for the DIY Roof Repairer

When to choose roof restoration vs roof replacement

Roof painter wearing safety gear and spraying a metal roof.A home’s roof is not only a central part of its curb-side appeal but also key to the structural integrity of the house as a whole. A good roof provides shelter, insulation and design flair, meaning that if properly maintained it can significantly increase the value of a property, so protecting such an investment should be a priority for any diligent home owner. Read More When to choose roof restoration vs roof replacement